washi tape from Japan

washi tape from Japan

It's always been a small dream of mine to see my designs on washi tape. This past spring I finally connected with the sweetest woman in Japan who helped this little dream come true. Since I had plans to travel to Japan over the summer, we met up at a lovely tea house, where she went over a detailed presentation she created to teach me about washi manufacturing. I was completely floored by her hospitality and kindness, and meeting her was a true highlight of my trip.

The washi factory I am working with is located in the city of Shikokuchuo, where the Kouzo and Mitsumata trees grow naturally. Traditional washi paper is made from the wood of these mulberry trees. Shikokuchuo, also known as the "city of paper," has a rich 200+ year history in hand-made washi, and this particular factory has been making washi for nearly 100 years! I love that these washi tapes are connected to traditional Japanese paper-making techniques and materials, and is from the place where washi paper and washi tape originated. I hope it's something you can appreciate too.

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