a tiny collection of handmade goods
I have been playing with fabric scraps for awhile now, and just recently thought I'd try making a few things for the shop. Textiles hold a special place in my heart, and sewing has a way of quieting my heart down like nothing else. There is also something indescribable about being more physically connected to goods I put out into the world, and I think I've been craving that a bit lately. Most of my goods start off with sketches (maybe), and then I quickly move to digitizing the art and patterns and then preparing files to be sent off to the print partners I work with. The finished good arrives at my doorstep and I'll do a quality check and a photo shoot before I put it in the shop. And so it's nice to slow down and just make a thing from start to finish - it's very analog, and I think we all need a bit more of that these days. I hope these tiny pieces of art bring joy wherever they end up.